1:1 Consulting Session for SMEs
For businesses, entreprenours and solopreanours
Service Description
If you don't know where to start. Welcome, you've just found the perfect place! Business can be overwhelming, let us take that stress away from you. We provide one on one consulting session to assist you in setting up and organising your business needs be it online or instore. This service is perfect for those who are not sure how to start or requiring assistance to push through that last jump to the finishing line. There are a lot of companies and people out there that just want your money and will sell you anything just to profit. At a-member.club we want you to succeed so we will be blatantly honest. That business idea, the plan, that dream you've had may not be exactly the best fit. Perhaps it is, either way we are here to help and guide to solve any issues you have. Always get advice before you start or invest in anything! Better to know now than waste money down the line. Everyday there are so many new businesses that are starting. According to ASIC, to be exact, in Australia every month there are on average 20,000 new companies being registered. Yes that's over 700 businesses a day joining! As exciting as this seems most unfortunately do not make it. Plenty of businesses fail because they lacked a business model, 17% of people exactly, upon start up. Others failed because of poor marketing and also due to ignoring their customers. Don't be one, don't be another statistic, don't join that club. Join a-member.club! We look forward to working with you.

Cancellation policy
Please Note: Cancellations must be done 48 hours in advance for full refund.
Contact Details
Corporate Centre 1 Corporate Court, Bundall QLD, Australia